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5th World Traditional Wushu Championships to Kick off
Updated: 2012-08-22

The 5th World Traditional Wushu Championships will be held from Nov 5 to 11 in Huangshan city of east China's Anhui province, according to the information released by the Press Office of Huangshan city on Thursday in Beijing.

The competition events of the Championships includes individual, dual and group events consisting of traditional barehanded routine and apparatus routine, said Song Guoqian, Mayor of Huangshan city.

Athletes from both home and abroad will show different types of traditional Wushu, including Tai Chi, Wing Chun Kung Fu, Eight Diagrams Palm and others during the seven-day championships.

Meanwhile, other events such as the first traditional skills exhibition of Chinese intangible cultural heritage and a Wushu-related forum will be organized during the championships.

The organizing Committee of the Championships has sent out invitation to 144 member states and regions through the International Wushu Federation (IWF), said Song.

The World Traditional Wushu Championships, sponsored by IWF, is currently among the world's largest, and most influential sports events of martial arts.

Source: Xinhua